Thursday, April 24, 2014

Library Recommendation Form

While perusing the literature, or searching the Internet, have you come across a book, journal, or some media that you believe would be beneficial to the University? Then, after searching, you find that the library doesn't own the item. The Pumerantz Library has a mechanism in place to help you make a request of the library, our purchase recommendation form.

The online form is available for you to quickly fill in and request that the library review the item for possible eventual purchase.

If you have any questions please contact the Reference and Outreach department at 909-469-2353 or by email at

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

More New Books for Nurses!

Harriet K & Philip Pumerantz Library has received some new electronic books that nurses can use!  You can search the library catalog for eBooks that are available from Pumerantz library via the Electronic Book Search link.  If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact us at or local 909-469-5323 or toll free 1-888-704-1660 or chat with us.

Clinical nursing pocket guide
Cultural competence in health education and health promotions

Demystifying opioid conversion calculations: a guide for effective dosing

Financial management for nurse managers and executives


Thursday, April 3, 2014

New e-book!

Does poor writing hold you back from getting the grades or grants you want? Do you want to make sure readers understand your ideas so that your research can have the proper impact? Do you want to read about Francis Crick and Michael Crichton mock terrible science writing?

If your answer to any of these questions is “yes,” you must read Christopher Dant’s Writing in Science & Medicine: The Investigator’s Guide to Writing for Clarity and Style. The 90-page guide reviews basic writing principles, offers detailed before and after examples, and provides practical writing exercises.

You will need a WesternU username and password to access this e-book. If you have any further questions please contact the library at 909-469-5476, toll free at 1-866-704-1660 or by email at