Ruth Harris,
Frances Chu, Rudy R. Barreras & Dr. Elizabeth Hoppe had their poster,
“Librarians collaborating with faculty to develop and deliver an Evidence-Based
Eye Care Course,” recently accepted for presentation.
Pat Vader and Frances
Chu also had their poster, “Diabetes information outreach to the
Latino/Hispanic population of Pomona, CA.”, recently accepted for presentation.
Both posters were
accepted for presentation at the One HEALTH 2013 International Federated Conference,
One HEALTH: Information in an Interdependent World. It is a federated
international meeting incorporating the 2013 Annual Meeting and Exhibition of
the Medical Library Association (MLA ’13), the 11th International Congress on
Medical Librarianship (ICML), the 7th International Conference of Animal Health
Information Specialists (ICAHIS), and the 6th International Clinical Librarian
Conference (ICLC). This conference will provide
a unique opportunity to explore the global interdependency of health information
at a meeting being held in Boston, MA May 2013.