The Pumerantz Library is currently home to the traveling National Library of Medicine (NLM) exhibition, "Opening Doors: Contemporary African-American Academic Surgeons." This exhibit showcases the achievements of African-Americans in medicine, from the foundations laid by Lt. Colonel Alexander T. Augusta, MD at Freedman Hospital, Howard University College of Medicine to Charles Drew, MD. The display then follows up with information on contemporary pioneers such as Alexa I. Canady, M.D and Claude H. Organ, Jr., M.D. and concludes with African-American surgeons who are following in the footsteps laid by the previous generations and continue push the boundaries of surgery.
The Library has expanded on the theme by featuring displays on the history and pioneers of African-Americans in medicine. As well as the achievements of Western University's African-American Deans.
The Opening Doors exhibit is currently running, now until March 26, 2011. To view pictures of this exhibit please visit the Pumerantz Library Facebook page. For directions and information please contact 909-469-5323 or email